Bài tập 5: Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau với các hình thức đại từ nhân xưng thích hợp.


    Bài tập 5: Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau với các hình thức đại từ nhân xưng thích hợp.

    he - him - yours - they - his - her 

    Diana and Mike are two close friends, … (1) have known each other since the age of 5. One day, the teacher gave a lot of homework, but Mike was so busy having fun that … (2) forgot to do … (3) homework. Mike immediately went to Diana's house and said to her "I don't have time to do my homework today, can I borrow … (4) to copy?". Diana disagreed, so Mike was furious with…(5). The next day, Mike didn't talk to Diana, then in class, a friend was warned by the teacher for copying someone else's homework. The teacher explained, the reason he made a mistake and gave an advanced exercise, except for the students who attended the advanced exam preparation class to know how to solve this exercise, so the other friend copied it from a classmate. advanced class. Diana also attended this class, at this point Mike knew that Diana didn't want him to be warned by the teacher, so she didn't let … (6) copy the papers.
