Bài tập vận dụng Refuse ving hay to v


    Welcome to your Bài tập vận dụng Refuse ving hay to v

    She refused (to accept/ accept) the gift.

    Hanna refused (to say/ saying) anything about the problem.

    Max refused (to comment/ commenting) further.

    She simply refuses (to give up/ giving up).

    I’ve always had a loud mouth, I refuse (being/ to be) silenced.

    1.  The teacher denied (to receive/receiving) my late assignment.
    2. Sarah refused (to accept/accept) such an expensive gift.
    3. The school girl denies (to steal/stealing) the jewelry at the mall.
    4. The actress refused (to comment/commenting) further about the incident.
    5. Hoa refused (to give up /giving up) on the hope.

    1. Mary (denied/refused) to accept this letter.
    2. She (denied/refused) to say anything about the problem.
    3. She did not (refuse/deny) any guy to get acquainted.
    4. My mom wants to (refuse/deny) to join the party.
    5. My sister (denied/refused) that she drinks milk.
    6. He (denies/refuses) stealing money from Mrs. Bella.
    7. My sister (refused/denied) that my sister had hidden her brother’s mobile phone.
    8. She (refused/denied) to support me in the exam.
    9. Lisa (denies/refuses) eating with you.
    10. John (denied/refused) the police’s accusations for his problem.

    1. Gia đình tôi từ chối gặp phóng viên.
    2. Họ phủ nhận việc gian lận trong thi cử.
    3. Anh ta phủ nhận năng lực của tôi.
    4. Thật khó để phủ nhận việc tôi thích anh ấy.
    5. Tôi muốn từ chối tham tham gia bữa tiệc.
    6. Cô ấy từ chối tất cả vì cô ấy đã có người yêu.
    7. Tôi từ chi ăn cùng bạn.
    8. Cô ta không từ chối bất kỳ anh chàng nào tới làm quen.
    9. Anh ấy từ chối việc chia sẻ về sự cố.