Bài tập consider – chọn đáp án đúng Nga Lương - July 21, 2022 0 Name Email 1. Matters are ________ and discussion. A. consider B. considering C. under consideration D. considers None 2. He was considered _________ a good leader. A. like B. be C. as D. to None 3. I consider _________ a book about my trips. A. write B. wrote C. writing D. to write None 4. Our ideas are still __________. A. under consideration B. consider is done C. well considered D. consider None 5. Country's membership of UNESCO is __________. A. considerate B. under consideration C. well considered D. consider None 6. Have you checked the spelling in the article? __________. A. considerate B. under consideration C. consider is done D. consider None 7. Congratulations Anne! This is a _________ award. A. well considered B. considering C. under consideration D. consider None 8. Teachers will ___________ when they decide who will participate in this competition. A. well considered B. take student's abilities into consideration C. consider student's abilities D. considering student's abilities None Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up