Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 5

    Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống:

    1. I love (swim/ swimming) in the fast lane at the pool.
    2. The road was busy with traffic during (rush/ off-peak) hour.
    3. We had a great time (camp/ camping) in the wilderness.
    4. Let's (play/playing) badminton in the backyard this weekend.
    5. The basketball coach (training/ trained) the team hard for the upcoming tournament.
    6. We (found/ explored) a beautiful island during our vacation.
    7. I lit a (scented/scenting) candle to create a relaxing atmosphere.
    8. I enjoy (eat/ eating) fresh fruit in the morning.
    9. We climbed a steep mountain to (reach/ get) the summit.
    10. The cave (were/ was) dark and mysterious.
    11. The teacher (criticized/ praised) the pupil for their excellent work.
    12. Math is my favorite (major/ subject) in school.
    13. He always tells funny (joke/ jokes) that make everyone laugh.
    14. Can I (borrow/ borrowing) your pen for a moment?
    15. We had a great time at the zoo, (observed/ observing) all the animals.
    16. The circus performance was (filled/ filling) with excitement.
    17. The festival celebrated the local culture and (tradition/ traditions).
    18. We used a rope to climb (up/ in) the tree.
    19. The concert was a memorable event for all the (spectators/ attendees).
    20. I have a (terribly/ terrible) headache and need some rest.